95B - 2024, 103'
The most popular things in the world to do:
2021, 107'
Autumnal Sleeps - 2019, 75'
Drifting Cities - 2017, 68'
Funnel Web Family Refrigerated - 2016, 65'ONC's Stone Boat Exhausted - 2016, 60'
At One Fell Swoop - 2015, 74'
SMOLT - 2013, 65'
Some Must Watch
While Some Must Sleep - 2012, 60'
The Poorhouse Revisited - 2011, 43'
Concrete Walls - 2011, 60'
Birds on a Wire - 2011, 62'
You Have Been Killed - 2011, 61'
Roadside Picnic - 2010, 62'
The Underworld Orchestra
Association de Musique & Animation
Confolens, France
ONC - Bury Me Standing
Moving Bodies Festival
MART, Rathmines Rd. Lower, Dublin, Ire
(VHS, 35mm Slides, Regular 8mm)
Eksperimental Kino Vakari ONC - REFRIGERATED
Orphans and Rushes
Curated by Ieva Balode
Kino Bize, Riga, Latvia
w/ The Barry People
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ire
ONC - OFFCUTS (Ja Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne Ne)
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ire
ONC - The Illuminated Room
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ire
EFS Pre-Screener Installation
Open Night Cinema
ONC - SuperAte Smut
Live 8mm Performance
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ire
ONC - Stone Boat
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ire
I'm Not a Doctor but I'll Take a Look - Solo Show Fractured Climates Merry Christmas Farmer Brown Headless Queens
Cinema Performance with Karen Power
Cork Film Centre, Cork, Ire
Cork Film Centre, Cork, Ire
(Multiple Projection Installation & Mixed Media)
The Poorhouse Revisited
Hendron's Collider, Dublin, Ire
(Screening & 16mm Film Installation)
Super8 Star Wars Trilogy
(Super8 Film Installation)
The Poorhouse Revisited
The Joinery Gallery, Dublin, Ire
(Twim Projection & Performance)
Satellite Studios, Dublin, Ire
(Digital Projection & Mixed Media)
NCAD Grad Show, Dublin, Ire
(16mm Projection & Mixed Media)
Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ire
Buildings & Airplanes
Phizzfest, Dublin, Ire
(Digital Screening & Mixed Media)
The Birdwatcher
Thanatophobia 2023
EXT. CANAL - DAY BLACK GOLD Autumnal Sleeps 2020
Olive 2019
I'm Not a Doctor 2018
Drifting Cities The Family Vault of the Late James Hyland The Poorhouse Revisted Drifting Cities Folds of Existence - EFS Programme 2017 The Family Vault of James Hyland Heaven's Hole / The Poorhouse Revisited / JUNK Drifting Cities 2016 The Poorhouse Revisited (15mins cut) 2015 2014 Sensorium Festival,
The Octopus Marquee Independent Film Festival
Batalha Centro de Cinema
Porto, Portugal
The 8th Short Long Film Festival
Corrientes, Argentina
Autumnal Sleeps
Festival de Cine Independiente de Salto
Salto, Uruguay
Experimental films from South to North
Stockholm, Sweden
Out of Focus Film Festival
The Watergate Theatre
Kilkenny, Ireland
Out of Focus Film Festival
The Watergate Theatre
Kilkenny, Ireland
95B - World Premiere
Phantoscope Film Series,
Triskel Arts Centre,
Cork, Ireland
La Bete Rousse
Itinerant Cinema
Analogica 13
Bolzano, Italy
Kinoscop 5
Belgrade, Serbia
Riga International Film Festival
Riga, Latvia
CineSalon, The Guesthouse
Cork, Ireland
CineSalon, The Guesthouse
Cork, Ireland
Baltic Experimental Programme
Vagonu Hall
Riga, Latvia
16mm Film Festival
Harkat Studios,
Mumbai, India
BLACK GOLD - World Premiere
4th Kinoscop Intl. Festival of Analog Exp. Cinema
Belgrade, Serbia
EXT. CANAL - DAY - World Premiere
Octopus Marquee Independent Online Film Festival,
Autumnal Sleeps
FLIGHT / Mostra internazionale di cinema
Genova, Italy
25FPS Festival,
Zagreb, Croatia
Autumnal Sleeps
BUTFF: B-Movie, Underground and Trash Film Festival,
Breda, Holland
Autumnal Sleeps
Liverpool Underground Film Festival
Liverpool, UK
Autumnal Sleeps
Aurora Film Festival
Cinema Arena Aurora
San Potito Sannitico, Italy
Baltic Analog Lab Program
SODAS 2123
Vilnius, Lithuania
Autumnal Sleeps
Sacramento Underground Film and Arts Festival,
Sacramento, California, USA
Thanatophobia - World Premiere
with Ieva Balode
Cupola Hall,
Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga
I'm not a doctor
EFS Short Film Programme
Wolf Kino
Berlin, Germany
Hung, Drawn and Quartered
EFS - German Irish Film Summit
Kino Moviemento
Berlin, Germany
Autumnal Sleeps
Balkan Can Kino
Athens, Greece
16mm Film Festival
Harkat Studios
Mumbai, India
Autumnal Sleeps
Istanbul Intl. Experimental Film Festival
Istanbul, Turkey
Autumnal Sleeps
FERATUM Intl Fantastic Film Festival
Mexico City
Autumnal Sleeps
Dreamers of Dreams Film Festival
VOD, London, UK
The Poorhouse Revisted
Octopus Marquee Independent Film Festival
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
The most popular things in the world to do:
FLIGHT / Mostra internazionale di cinema
Genova, Italy
Autumnal Sleeps - Closing Film
Process Experimental Film Festival,
Riga, Latvia
Autumnal Sleeps
KINAM, Festival Internacional de Cinema Diferente
FILMINLATINO / Mexican Inst. of Cinematography
Mexico City
Luminous Void : 20 years of EFS
Book Launch / Exhibtion / Screenings
Autumnal Sleeps & Hung, Drawn and Quartered (Loop)
The Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ire
Autumnal Sleeps
Denver Underground Film Festival (DUFF)
Denver, Colorado, USA
Autumnal Sleeps
Fisura, Int. Festival of Experimental Film & Video
Mexico City
EFS Showcase
Kino ARMATA, Pristina, Kosovo
Drifting Cities
The Film and Video Symposium
Los Angeles, California,USA
VASTLAB Experimental Film Festival
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Autumnal Sleeps
Festival Transterritorial de Cine Under
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I'm Not a Doctor
EFS Program 2
Kino ARMATA, Pristina, Kosovo
I'm Not a Doctor
Engauge Experimental Film Festival
Seattle, WA, USA
FLIGHT / Mostra internazionale di cinema
Genova, Italy
Drifting Cities
WINNER Best Film / Innovative Language Section
FLIGHT / Mostra internazionale di cinema
Genova, Italy
Autumnal Sleeps
Lausanne Underground Film Festival (LUFF)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Hung, Drawn and Quartered
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival (MUFF)
Milwaukee, USA
Autumnal Sleeps
Bogota Experimental Film Festival / CineAutopsia
Bogota, Columbia
Autumnal Sleeps
Festival Ecra IV
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Festival Internacional de Cine de Terror
Valencia, Spain
Berlin Revolution Film Festival
Berlin, Germany
I'm Not a Doctor
Kampus Hybernska,
Prague, Czech Republic
Autumnal Sleeps
Pugnant Film Series
Xorostasio, Athens
Kinoskop International Film Festival
Belgrade, Serbia.
EFS Programme
Sound Collector,
Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ire
Autumnal Sleeps
Luminous Void Experimental Film Festival
Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, Ire
Istanbul Experimental Film Festival,
Istanbul, Turkey
Hung, Drawn and Quartered
Esto Es Para Esto
Monterrey, Mexico
Hung Drawn and Quartered
LUFF 2019
Lausanne, Switzerland.
21e Festival des Cinemas Differents
et Experimentaux,
Paris, France.
EFS Programme 2
Cinemateca de Curitiba,
Matriz, Curitiba,
EFS Programme
Kino Klub Split,
Split, Croatia.
Drifting Cities
Esto Es Para Esto
Cineteca Nuevo Leon
Monterrey City,
EFS Programme
Rudina Art Fair,
Galerija Solyard,
Hvar Island,
EFS Programme
Hosek Contemporary
Berlin, Germany
EFS Programme
18 Bleeker St,
New York City, USA
EFS Programme
Taipei Contemporary Art Centre,
Taipei, Taiwan
Ghoul & Olive
EFS Programme
Moving Bodies Festival
Teatro Espace
Turin, Italy
EFS Programme
Departamento Social Club,
Santiago, Chile
EFS Programme
Tbilisi, Georgia
EFS Programme
Muestra Internacional de Cine Experimental,
Cinemateca Nacional del Ecuador Ulises Estrella
Quito, Ecuador
Luminous Void Experimental Film Festival, LVEFF18
The New Theatre, Dublin, Ireland
The Family Vault of the Late James Hyland
ViDEOSKiN, The Edge Gallery,
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Drifting Cities
EFS Programme
Fedaxv - Festival de Diseño
Audiovisual Experimental de Valdiva, Chile
EFS Programme
Filmwerkplaats, WORM Rotterdam, Holland
The Family Vault of the Late James Hyland EFS Programme The Cinematography & Alternative Art Festival Nida, Lithuania
Drifting Cities
Cámara Lúcida – Encuentros Cinematográficos,
Cuenza, Equador
Cefalu Film Festival,
Cefalu, Italy
ICE - EFS Programme
Process Experimental Film Festival
Riga, Latvia
The Family Vault of The Late James Hyland
I Am an Instrument - A Night of Outsider Art
Stage 19, Dublin, Ireland
EFS Programme Cinemateca Nacional del Ecuador
Ulises Estrella Casa de la Cultura Ecutoriana Ecuador
The Family Vault of James Hyland
American Medium, New York, USA
EFS Short Film Programme
San Juan Aquiahuac
San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
EFS Short Film Programme
LUFF Lausane Underground Film & Music Festival Lausanne, Switzerland
IMAGINE Arts Festival,
Waterford, Ireland
FEDAEVX - EFS Programme
The Family Vault of the Late James Hyland
Festival de Diseno Audiovisual Experimental Valdiva Valdiva, Chile
Funnel Web Family
Sonic Dreams Festival
Waterford, Ireland
Out of Service
EFS Short Film Programme
Kino Klub Split,
Irish Film Institute (IFI)
Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland
EFS Carcass Prog. Akephalos
Gallery of Modern Art Waterford (GOMA),
Waterford, Ireland
Painting / The Poorhouse Revisited
EFS Short Film Programme
El Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá / CineAutopsia Bogotá, Colombia
EFS - Carcass Prog. Relics Pelikula Obskura
UP Film Institute Film Studio,
Quezon City, Philipines
EFS - Carcass Prog. Homo Ferox / Corpus Rex
Auditório Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett
Porto, Portugal
Irish Film Festival, Middletown Arts Center,
New Jersey, USA
Drifting Cities - World Premiere
PROCESS Experimental Film Festival Kino Bize,
Riga, Latvia
Love Me Longer
Autobiographical Rituals - Vorspiel/Transmediale Greenhouse Berlin, Germany
Recent Transmissions
Strange Attractor (live sound) / EFS (undead images)
St. Peter's Church, Cork, Ire
1st Edition Berlin Experimental film Festival Moviemento, Kreuzberg, Berlin.
EFS @ Maus Habitos – Espaço de Intervenção Cultural (Funnel Web Family)
Porto, Portugal
Post Mortem International Short Film Festival Aguascalientes, Mexico
EFS Short Film Programme (Heaven's Hole)
Glass Eye Cine Club
Belfast Barge, NIreland
North American Premiere
MOVIATE Underground Film Festival
Harrisburg, PA, USA
An EFS Exhibition Triskel Project Space,
Cork City, Ireland
AEMI presents EFS; Collectivism (Part 3)
(Funnel Web Family) Irish Film Institute, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland
Edge Hunters, Anseo
Dublin, Ireland
(Heaven's Hole) Curated by Dean Kavanagh
Filmbase Dublin, Ireland
Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep
Canada International Film Festival
Vancouver, Canada
EFS Short Film Programme
(Funnel Web Family) Gardunha Fest,
Histérico - Associacao de Artes Moagem / Fundão / Portugal
Lumière 2016 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival
Rome, Italy
EFS Short Film Programme
(Funnel Web family)
Auditório de Cinemateca Museu de Arte Moderna,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland.
Eksperimentālā Kino Vakari III - Kino Bize
Riga, Latvia
Firestone International Experimental Film Festival Moscow, Russia
Love Me Longer & Murder
Eksperimentala Kino Vakari Kino Bize,
Riga, Latvia
Mongolia International Film Festival
Los Angeles, USA
The Progressive Film Club The New Theatre,
Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland
Collectif Jeune Cinema Les Voûtes
Paris, France
EFS Short Film Programme + Q&A
(HOTEL & Painting)
Cinematheque @ Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
EFS Short Film Programme + Q&A
(Out of Service & Filament)
Darblast Platform
Tehran, Iran
EFS Short Film Programme
Laevardi Foundation
Tehran, Iran
The Five Glens Arts Festival Manorhamilton,
NLeitrim, Ireland
EFS Short Film Programme
Open Night Cinema, Dublin, Ireland
At One Fell Swoop
Triskel Christchurch Cinema,
Cork, Ireland
At One Fell Swoop (with STONE BOAT)
Open Night Cinema,
Dublin, Ireland
EFS Presents...
At One Fell Swoop
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios Dublin, Ireland
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme (04:59) Belfast Film Festival,
Belfast, NIreland
EFS Short Film Program
Repressed Cinema
The Hollywood Theatre, Portland, OR, USA
EFS Short Film Programme
Kinodromo, Bologna, Italy
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme
XCÉNTRIC - Centre de Cultura Contemporánia
Barcelona, Spain
Glasgow Independent Film Festival
Clockwork Film Institute, Glasgow, Scotland
The Poorhouse Revisited
Under Your Skin Film Festival Korova Arts Cafe Bar, Lancashire, UK
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme
Union Theatre, Milwaukee, USA
SMOLT / Some Must Watch...
Pantalla Fantasma 4 Peurta,
Bilbao, Basque Country
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme
Glasgow Film Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland
EFS Short Film Programme Limited Access Film festival,
Tehran, Iran
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme
Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, Norway
Absenses an (Im)possibilities - LUX Programme
Irish Film Festival London, England
EFS Short Film Programme
Sessões do Udigrudi, São Paulo, Brazil
EFS Short Film Programme
Studio 6 Open Temple Bar Gallery + Studios (1/6)
Dublin, Ireland
EFS Short Film Programme
Fronteira International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival, Goiás, Brazil
Solus Film Collective and Loft Project Etagi present
Irish Experimental Cinema,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The Poorhouse Revisited (15mins Cut)
HAXAN Festival
Oakland, CA, USA
EFS Short Film Programme
The Picture Show,
Greenpoint, NY, USA
SMOLT - Dublin Premiere
Hendron's Collider
Dublin, Ire
EFS / Birds on a Wire
New Irish Underground Film
Spectacle Theatre,
Brooklyn, New York
EFS / Seesound Performance with Karen Power
Cork Film Centre Gallery, Ballincollig, Co. Cork
SMOLT - World Premiere Indie Cork Film Festival Gate Cinema, Cork, Ire EFS incl.
Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep IFI & EFC: Spectres of Memory Irish Film Institute, Dublin, Ire
Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep The Moot Art and Music Festival Parliment St, Kilkenny, Ire
Funnel Web Family FPS#06 Floor Plan PLUG Projects, Kansas City, USA Away,
The Gardener, Hotel, Painting Experimental Film Society Ormston House, Limerick, Ire
The Poorhouse Revisited - 15mins Cut The 9th Berlin International Directors Lounge, Berlin, Germany
Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep
Corona Cork Film Festival, Cork Film Centre Gallery, Ballincollig, Cork, Ire
Concrete Walls + 2 Shorts
The Guesthouse, Cork, Ire
The Poorhouse Revisited
Hunter's Moon Festival, Carrick on Shannon, Ire
The Poorhouse Revisited
Galway Film Fleadh, Ire
EFS Screening - The Last of Deductive Frames Seomra Spraoi 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin, Ire
Super 8mm Star Wars - Installation
LINK Culture Fest,
Block B, Smithfield, Dublin 7, Ire
The Poorhouse Revisited - 60min Cut with 16mm Installation.
LINK Culture Fest,
HENDRONS Gallery, Dominick St Upper, Dublin, Ire
EFS Screening
Cork Film Centre,
Civic Trust House, 50 Pope's Quay, Cork, Ire
Concrete Walls Friends of (An)Other Irish Cinema
The University of Philippines Film Institute,
The Philippines
Director's Lounge
Naherholung Sternchen, Berlin, Germany
Concrete Walls Hotel / Love Me Longer / There is a Man in the Habit...
International SFF London, LCC, Elephant and Castle, London, Eng
Love Me Longer
Underground Cinema Screening Part IV
The Kingston Hotel
Dun Laoighaire, Co. Dublin, Ire
The Poorhouse Revisited
with live musical accompanient by Brian Conniffe, Suzanne Walsh & Diarmuid MacDiarmada
Curated by Tadhg O'Sullivan.
The Joinery Gallery, Arbour Hill, Dublin, Ire
Fractured Climates - Expanded Cinema Project HENDRONS (Satellite Studios & Loom Studios)
Hendrons Gallery, Dominick St Upper, Dublin, Ire
Roadside Picnic - Excerpt
Generation for Export: Life with Edits
The Joinery Gallery, Arbour Hill, Dublin, Ire
The Petrol Station
Seeing the Light Exhibition
TACTIC Gallery, Sullivan's Quay, Cork, Ire
VAT 7 & The Petrol Station
EFS at Festival CineB City of Santiago, Chile
Landslide, The Petrol Station & The Sun Disappears Darklight Film Festival,
The Factory, Barrow St, Dublin, Ire
Where To?
Experimental Film Society - Screening
Cafe Kino, Bristol, Eng
Hotel, The Gardener & Love Me Longer
Experimental Film Society (Premier Screening)
Hello Operator, Dublin City, Ireland.
Super 8 Shots.
The Festival Kelly's, Galway City, Ireland.
The Gardener, Landslide
Filmmaker Showcase
Old Bridge Library New Jersey.
The Petrol Station Cont. Art and the Moving Image
QFT Cinema, Belfast, NIreland.
Cont. Art and the Moving Image
Galway Arts Centre, Galway City, Ireland.
CMC, Dublin, Ireland
Headless Queens - Sound Sculpture
Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland
girl meets boy
Shebeen Flick,
Shebeen Chic, Georges St, Dublin 2, Ireland
10.10.10, One Day on Earth,
Buildings and Airplanes
Phizzfest, Phibsboro, Dublin, Ireland
Midnight with No Pain
ICCL Human Rights Competition, Dublin, Ireland
Trumpet City
Dublin Film Fringe, Ireland
Battered Sausage and Chips
Culture Night, Mullingar, West Meath, Ireland
girl meets boy
Block T, Smithfield, Dublin, Ireland
Happy Days
Exchange Reel, Exchange Dublin, Ireland
Trips the Light Fantastic
Sydney Underground Film Festival,
Trips the Light Fantastic
Galway Film Fleadh Fringe, Galway Ireland
A Life Inside the Frame
ICCL Human Rights Competition, Dublin Ireland
‘140’ Collaboratve Film Project. Worldwide
Cannonball Run, DCTV, Dublin, Ireland
Pursuit Fast Forward at Darklight Festival, Dublin, Ireland Retirement Waterford Film Festival, Waterford, Ireland A Life Inside the Frame Waterford Film Festival, Waterford, Ireland
There is a Man...
Future Shorts, Dublin, Ireland
From Our Hearts
Sligo Digital Animation Festival, Sligo, Ireland
There is a Man...
Best of Straight 8,
Leicester Square, England
2024 WINNER Best Experimental Film
WINNER Best Experimental Feature
WINNER Best film / Student Jury
WINNER Best film / Innovative Language Section Koumaria Residency - Medea Electronique,
2019 Koumaria Residency - Medea Electronique, Sellasia, Greece Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Project Award
2018 La Devignere Residency with The Underworld Orchestra Koumaria Residency - Medea Electronique, Sellasia, Greece Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Project Award A Life Inside the Frame Theory of Everything
The Short Long Film Festival
Award Winner
Festival de Cine Independiente de Salto
Autumnal Sleeps
Honorable Mention
LA Underground Film Forum
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Project Award
Autumnal Sleeps
Sacramento Underground Film and Arts Festival
California, USA
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Project Award
The most popular things in the world to do:
FLIGHT / Mostra internazionale del cinema di Genova
Genova, Italy
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Agility Award
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Professional Development Award
Drifting Cities
Mostra internazionale del cinema di Genova, Italy
Autumnal Sleeps
Lausanne Underground Film Festival (LUFF)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Sellasia, Greece
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Bursary Award
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Bursary Award
Lussac, France
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Bursary Award
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Bursary Award
Kooshk Residency in association with EFS,
Tehran, Iran
dFlux Research Residency,
Detroit, MI, USA
Award of Merit from The Indie Fest
La Jolla, California, USA
Recipient of The Irish Arts Council's Film Project Award
Winner of Innovation in Irish Feature Filmmaking
IndieCork, Cork, Ire
Concrete Walls
Winner of Best Soundtrack
Nominated for Best Cinematography
International Student Film Festival London,
Midnight with No Pain
2nd Place, ICCL Film Competition, Dublin, Ireland
Audience Award, ICCL Film Competition, Dublin, Ire
Happy Days
Best Film, Crewger 48Hr Film Festival, Dublin, Ire
2nd Place, Cannonball Run, DCTV, Dublin, Ire
2nd Place, Fast Forward Film Festival, Dublin, Ire
Best Animation, Waterford Film Festival, Ire
From Our Hearts
Best Creative Video, DCU Hybrid Awards, Dublin, Ire
2nd Place, Fast Forward Film Festival, Dublin, Ire
There is a Man...
3rd Place, Silent Light Film Festival, Cork, Ire
Cruz Jr, Jorge, Apostila de Cinema
Autumnal Sleeps Review
September 2020 - Festival Ecra (ENG translation)
Barroso, Cecilia, Cenas de Cinema
Autumnal Sleeps Review
August 2020 (END translation)
Kernwood, Kirk, One Film Fan Blog
Olive at Berlin Revolution Film Festival Review
April 2020
Gocic, Nikola, NGboo Art blog
Autumnal Sleeps Review
Nov 2019
Tachou, Frederic, Cahier Louis-Lumiere
Arts filmiques et experimentations optics contemporaines -
At One Fell Swoop
July 2019 (FR)
Gocic, Nikola, EFS Publications
At One Fell Swoop I Dreamed Myself into Drifting Cities
Apr 2018
Found Footage Magazine #4
Featured Artwork - The Poorhouse Revisited
March 2018
Lombardi, Hira, Cinepensieri,
Drifting Cities Review
Oct 2017
Paci, Lorenzo, Cinepaxy,
Stone Boat Exhausted Review
Dec 2016
Murphy, Damien, Dublin InQuirer
An Experiment with Cinema
July 2015
Kavanagh, Dean, EFS Publications,
Open Night Cinema
May 2015
Le Cain, Maximilian,
Experimental Conversations,
The Great Ecstasy of Filmmaker Higgins
Dec 2014
Cazzin, Francesco,
The Poorhouse Revisited
Dec 2014 (ITA)
Maricourt, Florian,
Le cinema remoderniste: Histoire et theorie da une esthetique contemporaine
June 2014
Foreman, Donal, New Voices in Irish Experimental Cinema,
Estudios Irlandeses
March 2014
Le Cain, Maximilian,
Experimental Conversations,
The Poorhouse Revisited,
June 2012
O'Sullivan, Sean,
Selected Stories Part 5: Four is to Three,
The Joinery Gallery
Feb 2012